Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data Services

With a rich and diverse background in providing Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data services, Softkit can bring any project to life.

Our team possesses a wealth of experience across various industries, allowing us to tackle any unique data challenge. We empower companies to make informed business decisions. Our BI and Big Data experts will help you innovate, optimize business processes, drive client engagement, grow revenue and more.

The Big Data market is now worth over 307 billion USD. Experts expect an annual growth of 13.5%. So, the market can exceed 745 billion USD by 2030.

Big Data improves decision-making capacities by 37% on average. Moreover, customizing websites with Big Data insights increases conversion rates by around 20%.

Around 92% of companies that invested in data analytics last year, got measurable value. 3 out of 5 businesses use data analytics to drive innovation.

At Softkit, we helped countless clients to improve operational efficiency, cut costs and innovate with BI and Big Data.

Awards & Recognition

At Softkit, we are proud that multiple platforms, institutions, and organizations have recognized our achievements. Thus, our software development company has received the following awards:

Our partners

Volvo Group Connected Solutions logoSold com logoArchy Learning logoCasefair logoOpenChannel logo

Big Data services we provide

Data Science icon

Data Science

  • Algorithm Development
  • Advanced Business Analytics and Reporting
  • Data Migration
  • Data Engineering
  • Data Analysis 
Big Data Solutions icon

Big Data Solutions

  • Data Visualization
  • Data Sourcing and Retrieval
  • Data Lake and Warehouse solutions
  • Machine Learning
Business Intelligence icon

Business Intelligence

  • Data Warehouse architecture
  • Ad-hoc Analysis and Reporting
  • ETL – Extract, Transform, and Load
  • Data Quality Management

Order custom software development

Functionality Expanding icon

Custom Big Data and BI MVP development

AI and ML development

Software architecture icon

SaaS UX/UI design and prototyping

Service Icon

AI and ML development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are powerful tools for intelligent automation of business processes. Custom ML/AI software drives innovation, cuts costs and drastically improves efficiency.

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Big Data infrastructure setup

Secure, scalable and reliable infrastructure is key to the success of any Big Data project. Our experienced developers will make sure that the infrastructure meets all your needs. Plus, there will be no unnecessary cost overheads – a common issue for cloud computing and similar services.

Types of BI and Big Data Apps We Develop

Business Intelligence Platforms

Dashboards for Data Visualization

Data Analytics and Reporting Apps

Risk Management and Fraud Detection Apps

Data Integration and ETL Tools

Data Governance and Compliance Software

Data Mining and Data Quality Management Tools

IoT Analytics Platforms

Other BI and Big Data Software

Upgrade your business with Big Data and BI

Cloud migration icon

Legacy software modernization

Our experts can upgrade and future-prove your legacy software. We use the latest tech innovations while ensuring backward compatibility. BI and Big Data power data-driven transformation of businesses and their apps.

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Big Data integration

No matter what your business model is, if you are not using the power of Big Data, you are missing out. It can provide powerful insights to drive efficiency and innovation. Our services also include IoT Big Data integration. For example, we can collect and analyze sensor data from various smart home devices.

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Data migration

At Softkit, we understand the critical importance of seamless data migration. Our experts will make sure that the process doesn’t disrupt your everyday business operations. We can perform any type of server-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud data migration.

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Big Data support and maintenance

We provide ongoing support and maintenance. Our experts will make sure that your Big Data solutions run smoothly.

The benefits of Business Intelligence and Big Data

Improved decision making

BI and Big Data provide information to help executives make better decisions. Data-driven, informed choices ensure optimal outcomes for company growth.

Better customer satisfaction

With BI and Big Data, businesses understand their clients better. Thus, they can improve products and personalize the experience. This leads to higher satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Optimized business processes

BI and Big Data help companies to cut overhead costs, streamline operations and remove bottlenecks.


BI and Big Data reveal hidden customer behavior patterns. This allows businesses to evolve. They can create new products or services.

Better risk management

Risk management is much simpler and more efficient with BI and Big Data. Thus, businesses analyze historical data on similar projects. Big Data unveils common issues as well as likely budget and timeline overruns.

Predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance is a powerful way to avoid breakages, downtime and associated revenue loss.

Pricing optimization

BI and Big Data are two powerful tools for setting the right price on products or services. The benefits are huge – companies maximize profit without losing potential customers.

Better sustainability

BI and Big Data help companies trace their carbon footprint and identify opportunities for improvement. This simplifies the management of corporate social responsibility.

Improved compliance

BI and Big Data also significantly simplify regulatory compliance. This is especially helpful for companies that plan to expand internationally. Navigating diverse and intricate regulations can be taxing. But BI and Big Data can help.

Industries we work with

As a Big Data and Business Intelligence service provider, we serve clients across many industries, including the following:


Big Data and BI services are increasingly important for the construction industry. They help to streamline processes, mitigate risks, improve resource allocation and cut overhead costs. Among other things, Softkit can create:

  • Construction project management tools powered by AI and Big Data
  • Big Data analytics for governmental agencies to determine the demand and outcomes of public construction projects
  • Accurate construction project appraisal instruments that account for the costs of similar projects around the globe
  • Labor and material cost estimation mechanismsIntelligent logistics and warehousing solutions
  • Risk prediction, management and mitigation tools
  • Predictive maintenance and quality control softwareReal-time analytics dashboards, etc.
Our experts will help you leverage Big Data and BI to create future-proof, sustainable projects.
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The healthcare sector has witnessed a significant rise in the integration of modern technologies over the past three years. Our expertise in the healthcare sector includes:

  • EHRs managing software capable of handling large data volumes
  • Big Data and ML-powered medical imaging processing
  • Intelligent security and data protection solutions
  • Real-time patient monitoring and automated pre-diagnostics
  • Pharmaceutical research tools enhanced by ML and Big Data analysis services
  • Accurate healthcare insurance pricing instruments using Big Data
  • Proactive healthcare management apps. BI business analytics & collaboration toolsHealthcare data lakes, etc.

We prioritize security and data protection, offering intelligent solutions to safeguard sensitive healthcare information. Our experts will make sure that your solution complies with HIPAA and other necessary regulations.

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As a Big Data and Business Intelligence agency, we have a keen interest in developing solutions for the energy sector. BI & Big Data analytics services hold immense potential to transform the industry. Our team can create the following:

  • Intelligent grid balancing mechanisms powered by AI, ML and Big Data
  • Risk prediction and mitigation tools
  • Predictive maintenance tools for energy infrastructure
  • Software for predicting and preventing power outages
  • Energy consumption analysis and optimization for manufacturers
  • Innovative Big Data & BI solutions to achieve sustainability and SDGs
  • Real-time weather analytics for wind & solar power stations, etc.

BI & Big Data are powerful tools to address the challenges of the energy industry. Together, we can build a future of efficient, sustainable and resilient energy.


BI and Big Data analytics services are integral to the FinTech & BFSI industries. They help analyze and predict user behavior, prevent fraud, innovate and so much more. The solutions we develop include:

  • Real-time intelligent market analytics
  • Open banking solutions
  • Risk assessment and management software
  • AI and Big Data-powered cyber security & fraud detection instruments
  • Tools for finding patterns and anomalies in raw data
  • Regulatory compliance solutions
  • Blockchain platforms
  • Portfolio management software
  • Chatbots, software interconnectivity mechanisms and other optimization tools.

At Softkit, we always prioritize client needs, safety and compliance. Our goal is to help you succeed in this dynamic and continually evolving market.

Business management

The influence of Big Data and BI on business management efficiency is immense. They provide valuable insights, streamline decision-making, improve operational efficiency and more.
Softkit can develop various business management solutions, including:

  • Marketing analytics tools
  • CRMs and customer support apps enhanced by AI & Big Data
  • Compliance software for global trade and international projects
  • Price optimization algorithms
  • Risk management systems
  • Supply chain optimization and inventory management tools
  • Financial planning and budgeting software
  • Sales forecasting applications
  • Business process automation apps powered by Big Data and connectivity
  • Operational efficiency dashboards
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software
  • Recruitment and HR solutions and more.
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Real Estate

Big Data has completely reshaped the real estate industry. It became integral to every part of the house-buying process. Property details, history, maps and other datasets combined with advanced analytics, provide unprecedented insights and drive innovation. Thus, popular Big Data solutions include:

  • Automated valuation models (AVMs)
  • Aggregation and analysis of Big Data, including legal, financial, and architectural real estate information
  • Propensity modeling to identify high-intend website users
  • Clickstream data processing
  • Predictive property maintenance solutions
  • Tenant screening apps
  • Fraud detection software
  • Market risk assessment apps
  • Augmented and virtual reality tools
  • Micro-market analysis, etc.

Our Big Data team includes experienced data scientists and industry experts. They have rich experience in creating real estate solutions. Check out our case studies to learn more.


Big Data fuels the transformation of the automotive industry. Our team is passionate about helping businesses leverage this data revolution to innovate and get ahead of the competition. Popular BI & Big Data solutions include:

  • Predictive car maintenance applicationsVehicle connectivity & fleet management solutionsInsurance risk assessment tools
  • Safety improvement with Big Data analytics
  • Real-time traffic and weather monitoring to notify drivers about possible issues
  • Software for autonomous vehicles
  • Supply chain optimization tools
  • Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)
  • Big Data tools for determining optimal locations for gas stations, EV charging stations, roads, etc.;

  • This is just a glimpse into the vast potential of Big Data for the automotive industry. 
Read our case study to learn how we created software that is used by 1 million+ cars on 3 continents.


The pandemic has challenged the education industry, stimulating innovation and facilitating the adoption of new learning tools. Thus, Big Data and BI tools for education include:

  • Student Performance and Success Rate Analytics
  • Automated assessment and evaluation models powered by AI & Big Data
  • Student categorization by learning preferences and personalization of learning materials
  • Adaptive dynamic learning software
  • Curriculum development and optimization
  • Academic integrity protection (fraud detection)
  • Resource allocation and budgeting tools
  • Career assessment tools
  • Mechanisms to identify students at risk of dropping out, etc.

Embracing new tools allows educators to create more personalized and effective student learning experiences.


Our BI and Big Data team has experts in different technologies and industries. Here are some examples of other industries where our experience lies:

  • Entertainment
  • Marketing
  • HR and recruiting
  • Retail
  • Defense
  • Supply chain management
  • Food and beverages
  • Research management

The versatility of our experience allows us to operate within each industry efficiently, be it marketing or manufacturing. 
We provide a wide variety of data engineering services. Our experience building robust systems allows us to enter any industry with ease. Tell us about your project.

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Our Approach to Big Data Analytics Services

Extracting data from all sources

We begin the process by meticulously extracting data from all relevant sources, ensuring that no potential data stream is overlooked. This includes structured data from databases and unstructured data from IoT devices, surveys, chat logs, etc. We aggregate it in a single repository, like a database, data lake or data warehouse.

Cleaning and standardizing the gathered data

Data quality is the basis for BI & Big Data success. If the quality is poor, your analytics will not provide accurate insights. So, we clean data of all errors, inconsistencies, duplications and redundancies. Then, we standardize data to form coherent datasets. We ensure that all data uses consistent formats and units of measurement. This allows for accurate comparisons during analysis.Interestingly, a unit conversion error famously caused the failure of NASA's Mars Climate Orbiter mission. NASA lost over 300 millions of dollars.

Conducting data ingestion and enrichment

At this stage, we add more data to our data warehouses or data lakes. This can be data from third-party sources. It provides a broader context. For example, public records can be very useful. They include real estate records, voter registration data, environmental permits, etc. Other 3rd-party data examples are financial data (like credit scores or public financial records), market research data, weather data, etc. One can purchase access to such data from data brokers. Depending on your needs, data ingestion can involve real-time data streams or batch data transfers.

Processing and analyzing the data

Our team uses custom scripts and advanced third-party Big Data tools to process and analyze the data. Depending on data volume and needs, processing can be centralized or distributed. Centralized processing is simpler and it can be cheaper. Distributed processing, on the other hand, offers better scalability and performance.

Structuring and visualizing data

The crown jewel of the process is turning faceless datasets into helpful, visually rich and easy-to-understand reports and dashboards. We use charts, graphs, and other visual elements to make data easily understandable and actionable for stakeholders across your organization.

Maintaining quality

Big Data is a powerful tool. But to make sure that it provides consistently accurate results, you must control the quality of your data and processes. Data quality assurance includes, first of all, maintaining data integrity. In other words, experts make sure that no errors or inconsistencies are getting in. They also keep an eye out for anomalies. Second, businesses should regularly review their use of Big Data. The goal is to make sure that the type of data they use is still relevant to their business model.

Our Approach 
to Data Management

Technology Stack

As an expert BI & Big Data service provider, we are proficient in many technologies. You can find the most popular below, but remember that this is not a complete list.

Software development for the energy sector brings new opportunities

High client satisfaction rates

Softkit has a 73% client retention rate, meaning that most customers use our services for multiple projects. Moreover, we have a 4.9/5 rating on

Custom Approach

Softkit is a boutique Big Data & Business Intelligence agency. We carefully consider the needs of each client. Our experts tailor our development, communication and PM strategies to create unique experiences.

Commitment to resilience

Nowadays, software resilience and reliability are more important than ever. Softkit can create apps with 99,9999999%+ uptime. Moreover, thoughtful architecture ensures security and prevents data loss.

Dedication to excellence

Our reasonable pricing model and the excellent quality of created solutions ensure one of the best value-for-money ratios on the market.

Success Stories

OpenChannel case study image

App Store Platform

  • SaaS
  • Web
  • Canada

Team augmentation for all-in-one whitelabel solution to create, brand, and launch your app store platform

  • -40%

    Decreased customers' time to market

  • +150

    New customers onboarded after a half-year of work

  • Stripe

    acquired OpenChannel

The automotive data analysis system for Volvo Group

IoT Solutions for Cars - Volvo

  • Automotive
  • Web
  • Sweden

Software that enables vehicle-to-server communication for 1 million+ cars

  • 100 GB+

    of data is processed each day

  • 4k+

    requests per second are received at peak times

  • 99,99%+

    of uptime

Get ahead with professional data services

Analysis and Planning icon

Advanced data analytics services

Our data experts use advanced technologies, like data mining, machine learning and predictive modeling to set your business up for success. We can create a data analytics system of any complexity level.

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Data visualization

Our experts can easily transform complex raw, data into clear and visible insights. We create compelling visuals that promote informed decision-making. 

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Data quality management

As data service providers, we will ensure the integrity and reliability of your data. Our agency provides a whole range of data management services, including cleaning, validation, and governance.

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Data warehousing and data lake services

Data warehouses and lakes are integral for BI and analytics. They amalgamate enterprise data from various data sources. Data lakes include structured and raw data, providing flexibility. Data warehouses systematize data, serving as a source of truth for BI and analytics.

FAQ on BI tools and Big Data

What is the difference between BI and Big Data?

Business intelligence solutions focus on analyzing structured company data. Plus, BI systems usually handle smaller amounts of data and don’t use data from 3rd-party vendors. Big Data, on the other hand, analyzes massive datasets. It often includes data bought from data brokers.

Can you help analyze Big Data from IoT devices?

Absolutely! As a Big Data service provider, have rich experience working with IoT software, including collecting and analyzing IoT data

Do you offer data science services?

Yes, we do. Our experts can build custom Machine Learning models or AI tools for your business.

What Business Intelligence services does Softkit offer?

We provide a full range of BI services, including custom development, legacy software updates, maintenance and more.

Do you have any case studies showing your BI and Big Data expertise?

Yes, we do. And our experience spans many industries, including automotive, marketing, and real estate. Visit our case study page for details.

Is my data safe if I use Big Data or BI services?

The safety and security of our client’s data is our top priority. We implement robust security measures to protect it.

Is Big Data worth the hype?

Big Data has completely reshaped many industries. Nowadays, companies cannot afford to miss out on using it. With a race to innovate, staying behind means becoming irrelevant.